Sunday, December 23, 2012


D Major scale fingering: 分手练,指法要对。弹琴靠手指不要摁不要用手腕。
Pay attention to finger 3.

Sight reading 23, 切分音不准,two notes slur, second note softer. Down up motion for wrist. Review 21-24

try sit down to listen playing. 弹琴时不要用脚打拍子,心里count.

March M7,13,15. 开头keep forte, 双音keep strong, top note clear, slur, TP. 第一个音tenudo keep, 要准备好. M7-M9, keep forte. Pay attention to slur, strong-softer, wrist relax.

Sweet dreams: just in the music. 要专心。结尾第一个chord要沉下去,之后渐弱,手腕幅度变小,更贴近键盘。

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