Monday, December 17, 2012


Sunday 9:30am class next week.

哈农 this week lesson 10.

bring theory next time.

Sight reading: 17, trill 从上往下. 21-24

Sweet dream:
LH chord 开头M2B3不整齐。M16 LH chord should be getting softer.
用上大臂,力量送出去, TP.

Bach: count the beat. Part 2 LH pay attention poly-phonic, second melody harmony. M21B3 后半拍accent.

开头LH有漏音。extra practice on start LH. M17 虽然弱了,跳音不要失去弹性。M43 technique TP. M55 语气开始渐弱。M64双音的语气第二个要softer。
LH 手腕要低些,这样才好控制声音。从8th 到16th 已经变快,要控制住,第一小节不要抢。M29 pinkie no hold. Chord emphasize top note.
Part 2开头Staccato 不要压,用指尖,触键象钩子。

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