Monday, December 6, 2010


Finger power
8: finger curve, pay attention to left hand finger 4. Slow raise finger. Left hand alone three times every day.
9: pass
10: finer 2 hold, for every 8th note, wrist should relax.

Sight reading 9-12. Pay attention to rest and music phrase.

81: wrist rotation on the finger 4 dotted quarter note which is long enough to do rotation and make sound beautiful.
82: pay attention to ledger line, E Major.

Keith Snell GP451
Sherzo: chord 3 notes more clear. Pass.

Keith Snell GP651
Funny event: left hand accent not enough, 大拇指触键要快; middle part piano, tiny motion, finger close to keys, 贴键弹. 重点练习,慢速开始,每个tempo练5遍。

Test: 30 min.

GP451: minuet

GP651: funny event

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