Monday, February 25, 2013

Fwd: 2013-2-25

> 哈农 12: 保证每天5遍。基本功。
> B flat major scale. 慢速,手指要提起来,不要用手腕压,手指触键时手腕要马上放松。继续练习
> 四月;melody right hand no accent. Make long phrase. 左右手melody的交替要让听众察觉不到换手。多分手练,注意分辨melody.
> Second page: 欢快,律动感。
> Extra homework: 分析chord. Tonic, dominant 7th first inversion, diminished 7th.
> Theory: double check on piano keyboard.
> Sonatina: measure 7, 2 note slur 手腕提起后要真正的放松。left hand need breathe. Second page left hand too loud, pay attention to balance. Rhythm.
> 车尔尼 68:accent need more power, pinkie much louder, open elbow. Left hand 2,3 beat should be softer, not too noisy, strong-weak-weak. Right hand tone should be bright, not blur.

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