Monday, April 11, 2011

Finger power
4: phrase 6 note legato. Left hand only 3-5 times a day.
5: 8 note legato.慢速手指提起来成小钩子。fingering 1-2-3-1-2-3-4-5. 40-50-60 slow only.

Sight reading
75: 2/2 level 4 1-4
100: 16th note target practise 10 遍,从慢速到快。grace note fix rhythm problem, shorter for grace note, target practise. 3 beats hold to full time value.
Street games: measure 7 & 12 chord. 最后的chord 不要变弱,target practise. Tempo 80.

Keith Snell GP451
Waltz: thumb quiet and soft. Try to make a long phrase.

Keith Snell GP651



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