Sunday, January 16, 2011


Finger power
14: rest 提手臂放松 声音会更powerful
15: pass 注意提腕放松
16: rhythm do-so-2-3 唱出来,legato smoothly connected. Tempo 40-50-60-80-100-120. First three days 40-50-60. Second three days try up to 120.
Sight reading 29-32. Don't forget phrase.

88: target practice. Count the beat, 尾音拇指keep soft. Rhythm keep same tempo. Forte 前的渐强不要太过,留力量给forte. Tempo 108. Start with 60x2, 80x2, 108x2. Memorize.

小松鼠: start with tempo 40 for new song, follow metronome.

Keith Snell GP451
Minuet: rhythm, fingering, dynamics. Tempo start with 60-80 for first three days, try 120.

Keith Snell GP651
In church: pass



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