Monday, December 21, 2009


  • Finger Power

  • 1. Two Finger Legato (4/4)
    2. Two Finger Legato (3/4)
    注意: 换气手腕要吊起来.
  • Sight Reading

  • 抽查第8条.通过
  • Thompson

  • 注意:《跟着小队长》手指尖要用力,不是手腕和手臂用力,相反,手腕手臂是放松的。指尖用力,让声音听来具有穿透力。
  • Bayer

  • 第13,14首:左手很好,右手的问题
    1. 不要用右手打拍子,抖动
    2. 从1指到5指,手腕要滑动,这样动作不会僵硬,声音也听来圆滑。
    3. 手腕滑动时,身体不要一起动。

  • Finger Power 3,4

  • Sight Reading 9-15

  • Thompson

  • 1. 轻轻划 :先分手弹。target practice 5 遍。
    2. 健身操
    3. 小夜曲
  • Bayer

  • 第15首 有断连奏 (连断音 portato),介于断奏与连奏之间。手指象粘了胶水一样,要断又粘。

    portato is actually articulated legato, where the notes are played almost legato.
    Staccato signifies an unconnected note, which is short and detached. In music, a dot is usually placed above to express that these notes should be distinctly separate while also quick in length. This does not, however, alter the rhythm of the music and the remainder of the time allotted for each staccato note is played as rest.
    legato: musical notes are played or sung smoothly and connected. That is, in transitioning from note to note, there should be no intervening silence

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