Friday, October 30, 2009


1。重点: 准确 ,悦耳(beautiful)的音
  • listening /耳朵听音

  • not loud, no hammer/不要只是大声,甚至敲击音

  • thumb/拇指,力量大,要注意控制,收 /control

  • ring finger,pinky/little finger/无名指,小指,力量小,要注意加力

  • target: five fingers play sound evenly, will check next week class

  • quick but soft when hitting key (holding soft/relax) <- have beautiful sound and rest for next sound (beautiful sound)

  • for half note and above, after 1st 1/4 note, only finger tip holding on the key, elbow and write are relax <- help to check before good habit

  • 吊腕

  • 收拇指 不要紧张, 要放松

  • 肘放松

  • 要做完唱谱的作业

  • 弹新曲,前3天要看谱弹,之后可以不看

  • 2。beautiful sound (most time means soft)
  • 3/4: strong, weak, weak

  • The song of Yankee, only 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 1st 1/4 note strong

  • 4/4: strong, weak, (little strong), weak (or strong, weak, weak, weak)

  • in most songs, last note need to be soft

  • 新课及作业
    《扬基歌》(not passed from last class)
    《摘棉花的老人》:tie notes 同音连线
    《自新大陆交响曲》: G音


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