Tempo 前后有些拖。try 120. Control music expression. 开头练习10遍以上,tempo和音乐的进行感。
first-second page LH 旋律进行。从f到p呼吸. First part ending staccato 手腕要轻松。measure 36 TP.
Part 2 轻快。staccato要放松。双音突出top finger. Recap 前呼吸。
Recap: ff use body pressure. 渐强both hand, chord pinkie tone clear and strong. 结尾左手的melody要表现出来,融合右手音阶的跑动。
Sweet dreams:
Second part cello voice come out more rich.
16th shorter. 一段的两个大句及三段的,作出一些变化。note before 16th need more expression. 中声部hold住。
March: 左手melody没写legato的地方弹作半连半跳。
Monday, January 28, 2013
Monday, January 7, 2013
Sweet dreams: 速度不能太慢, music flowing。measure 8 control 中声部,LH hold F。measure 23 错音。measure 32 三个声部。LH chord hold half note. 结尾LH chord 整齐。
Bach: tempo 112. Measure 3 don't get softer, arm rotation to let 声音更宽广。 Measure 8,9 same keep strong. 练习tempo 60. 难点是双音6th interval要弹清楚。
开头就要有energy,不能刮音。pinkie no hold. Two notes slur second note softer, more feeling,先练一个音,thumb softer. Part I end staccato. Part II start control. TP measure 72, fingering. 3-note chord emphasize top, bottom, middle the softest.
Bach: tempo 112. Measure 3 don't get softer, arm rotation to let 声音更宽广。 Measure 8,9 same keep strong. 练习tempo 60. 难点是双音6th interval要弹清楚。
开头就要有energy,不能刮音。pinkie no hold. Two notes slur second note softer, more feeling,先练一个音,thumb softer. Part I end staccato. Part II start control. TP measure 72, fingering. 3-note chord emphasize top, bottom, middle the softest.
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