Thursday, July 3, 2014


Scale: B-flat Major match 车尔尼.
E-flat Major match Neapolitan song.
This week practice arpeggio.
47: LH target practice. Tempo 120.

Sight reading level 7 repeat
3, 5-8

Theory: Melodic minor. Scale mode.

车尔尼 13:
Melody note clear,emphasize first forth beat of a measure, 节奏感。指尖抓key.
结尾力度要更强,手臂要放松, 用上身体和手臂的重量,4指抓准。 video

Neapolitan Song
节奏不要弹反。fingering, 换指3-2。accent change to thumb. 4-3-2-3 fingering notes clear.

小鸟:long pedal. LH 再敏捷些。半减7和弦,half diminished 7th, m3+m3+M3.更拟人化,生动贴切。技术难点32th, 更敏捷。 Pay attention to accent 加强节奏感。