Thursday, August 29, 2013


Hanon 25: finger 3 要提起来。
A-flat major scale. 下行指法B flat 换4指,E flat 用3指。
Need less finger work for scale. 手指贴键谈,轻盈。
Arpeggio + chord 练习,控制把位。

Sight reading: rest no need pedal. This week 17-24.

Czerny 93: LH need strong weak, 节奏感。piano part 要轻松些,大臂带动手腕。pass. New lesson 95.

Sonata 2nd mv.
Tempo Andante. Line 4 结尾出现的高音要有表现力。line 5-6, 注意左手根音的进行,no hold pinkie. Page 2- line 5, melody 的转音,要均匀流畅。p2 to p3 音乐的张力, 越来越紧,listen to the harmonies.

Waltz: grace notes 太拖泥带水,要更轻快。grace note 处不要用pedal. Grace note 的位置不要到前一拍。

Monday, August 19, 2013


Hanon 24: 慢速声音要松弛圆润些。new lesson 25.
Scale: E flat Major 下行B flat 换4指。
Arpeggio tone quality, no accent on thumb.

Theory: dominant 7th 构成是major 3rd+minor 3rd+minor 3rd.

Sight reading

Czerny 93: d flat, fingering, chord 练习 ti-re-mi-fa, so-ti-re-do. Start finger 2-3. LH staccato 跳跃。慢速练抓住key, tone quality. A flat major scale practise.

Sonata second movement.
Rhythm part 2 wrong notes fix, no g sharp, 分手练,pay attention to LH root note movement on 2nd page. RH target practice on 3rd page top part 大跨度的转音rotation.

Waltz: Chopin
音色的变化,弹得太小心翼翼。2nd page dynamics change 更饱满,line 5th forte arm rotation. LH beat 2,3 sometimes too strong. 3rd page ending LH beat 3 rest.

Monday, August 12, 2013


Hanon 24: 放松,4个音放松一次;第4拍大拇指轻些。
Scale: this week A flat major 结合Czerny. 慢速放松,力量反弹到手腕,不要压。

Sight reading: review book 6. Every day one piece.

Czerny 91: 上行top finger hold to keep music connected. 下行bottom finger hold to keep music connected. 注意前臂的放松。手腕不要太高,elbow 打开。top melody 要清晰。pass.

Waltz: pedal 不要总踩到底,可由浅到深,分层次感。forte 踩多些,piano 踩浅些。page 2 绚丽多彩, crescendo. Ending dimiscendo and retard. Measure 21-24 TP.

Sonata: trill 手腕前臂rotation, arm rotation, curve finger 以保证力量,防止太紧张用力,胳膊疼。balance, LH need quieter. This week second movement.

Monday, August 5, 2013


Hanon 23: new lesson 24.
Scale g minor. Arpeggio

Sight reading: 71.

Czerny 87: finger 4 press harder, LH 跳音,rhythm, LH beat 2,3,5,6 softer. New lesson 91, fingering make sure.

Sonata: TP 双手要对齐。dominant 7th 太平淡。trill 漏音或不均匀。长trill左手不要渐慢。tempo 快而平稳,final tempo 138。LH 节奏重音。练习 80, 100.

Waltz: 低音base need stronger. Grace note 要灵巧些,fingering. May add pedal.

Concerto Bach