Monday, June 25, 2012


Finger power:
11: pass
12: improve tempo.
This week 12,13

D M: f4 curve. No hold pinkie or thumb. Elbow rotation. Count beat. 养成好习惯。

Sight reading 35-40

Ballade: 开头不整齐。LH rotation, curve f2. Corda 不要变慢,突出1st note, instead of 2nd。m53节奏;结尾chord. Target practice 开头。

Sonatina: m21,m25, two hand not aligned, LH melody. m69 rest count beat.

Bach 谐x曲:幽默诙谐的。tr : mordent 1-7-1. 前16,8后16的节奏。

Monday, June 18, 2012


Finger power
10: 快速时手指贴近key. Pass
11: 听觉中要听到whole note chord, eighth note 要轻。continue practice.
New lesson 12. Slow each finger open up.

G Major: fast 手指动作小些,听来更轻盈。double fast
E Major: LH wrist rotation flexible.
New lesson D M, b m, G M double fast.

Ballade: chord 3 notes. Measure 35 rit. Corda measure 49, 50 need accent. Measure 11, 6 steps p to f, need more steps. Measure 45 no rest, then dim, no rit. Measure 3,4 LH target practice, 要听来轻盈,有语气的变化。

Sonatina: 第一个音要well prepared. LH technique measure 10,53,54. Dynamics changes. Measure 39-42 long phrase rotation. Measure 43 LH too loud, need dynamics change. Measure 60 change tone sweet. Ending rest need count. More musical instead of powerful.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Finger power:
10,11: 每个measure 放松。提高速度

Tone quality, no accent. Left hand 下行2指有accent. Chord 注意pinkie弹清楚。分解和弦左手3,4,5指弹完要及时拿起,不要保持。
This week

Measure 19 wrong notes. Staccato 太黏。measure 35 use wrist rotation 声音才歌唱。左手的melody, obstinato, three voicing. Target practice. Arm rotation. pinkie don't hold too long. 数拍子. Try to memorize whole song.

开头chord不sure,要抓住pinkie. Count beat. 力量的保持。make long phrases. 结尾不整齐。

Monday, June 4, 2012


Finger power
7: pass 建议继续练习。
This week new 10,11. Count the beat. Fingering right hand.

Technique: fingering pay attention. Find pattern. 分手练习。rest.

Ballade: 注意节拍,不要抢拍子。开头神秘的,不要太热情,音乐的对比,big contrast. Chord, less thumb, more pinkie & soft. 句子keep going. Fermata 第二遍不要,只有第一遍转piano. Measure 3, 16-19, 49-53 target practice.

Sonatina: 平淡。different layers, 音色上的变化。staccato 不够活力。ff 用身体的力量,rotation.